Saturday, August 25, 2018

There is Beauty All Around

One thing we hear so often from the generations who are coming of age after us is how bad things used to be and how much better they are now and will be in the future. They are absolutely right! But not completely.

I believe every generation feels this way about those who came before. That’s how we progress as a species. That is why we no longer live in caves and drink from dirty streams. That’s why we have electricity, running water, and, blessedly, AIR CONDITIONING!

Having dabbled in genealogy over the past few decades, I have come across ancestors whose actions don’t exactly fill me with pride. I mean, there are definitely some slave owners and murderers (hey, some died in the Tower of London!) I wonder, just what will my great-great-great grandchildren think about me and how I lived my life? What values and beliefs do I have that they will consider selfish or small minded or even wrong? 

Here’s the real question:  Will they simply dismiss me and want to destroy all evidence I ever existed on this earth because something I believe now is considered bad in their time? I sure hope not. I mean, I hope I really am a good person and not simply because I try to be an honorable woman according to the dictates of my conscience and the social mores of our time. Even more important:  I am NOT the person I was 40 years ago. Thank goodness. That girl was so immature and self-centered and oblivious to what was going on around me in this world.

I feel very strongly that everything that came before us is important to remember. First, we don’t want to forget the things that we now consider wrong because how will OUR descendants remember that those things were bad? We don’t want to consign our ancestors to heck because of their missteps and even wrongdoing. Thankfully, that’s not our role. They all make up who we are as humans.

I just watched a fun video of a starlet from many years ago dancing. It was such fun to watch. The people were beautiful. The costumes were lovely. The dancing was fabulous. And I had a thought:  Right then in the world that was swirling around these dancers in that day there was a lot of social injustice. There were people who suffered from discrimination, hate, deprivation, and several other bad things. But these people had something beautiful to share with the world. I am so grateful that so many things have changed, but I can’t help but long for some of the things from those “good old days.” Imagine how it would be if we were to remove all the evil and hate and terrible things from the world and fill it with every good thing from every generation that ever lived on the earth. I feel a simple peace in my heart and even joy when I imagine that.

Please keep pushing for reform and growth in our society. It is painful, but we need that. We always will, if there are humans on this earth. But slow down. Recognize the worth of every soul, past, present, and future. Open yourself to being willing to see the spark in most people. Start by seeing it in yourself. It’s there. I promise. 

The other day I was struck by the thought that I TRULY need to love those who hate me and despitefully use me. They won’t care, nor will they likely know, but relieving myself of the anger allows more room for filling myself with the spark that I will then be more able to see in those around me. Concentrating on REALLY loving those folks at least helps me to appreciate the good things they contain within them.

It’s a good day. Go out and make it a better day for someone else.

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