Friday, September 30, 2016

Don't Beat the Poor Horse

Someone asked me recently why I write so much about my ex and all the things he put me through in 14 years together (plus the six years after we separated). I think the rationale was, it’s been 21 years since we separated, so why keep talking about it? Good question.
I’ve mentioned PTSD before. I know most people associate this disorder with combat veterans, and by no means do I suggest that my experiences look anything like theirs, for which I am grateful. But having PTSD means that finding yourself in a situation that is just similar enough to the real-life nightmares you’ve had can cause unpleasant symptoms as you find yourself right back there, figuratively.

Yes, I have been free for 21 years. There was only one occasion after our separation that I literally faced the fear of having my ex-husband spitting threats and profanity in my face, but at that time my now-husband was there within ten seconds to get between us. That moment raised him to the level of hero in my eyes. I tease him that all he really has to do is breathe in order to be a better husband, but how blessed am I that he doesn’t just stop there?

My friends as well as those I don’t know, it does get better. It is so hard to walk away. To this day I have an inner struggle in which I have to remind myself AGAIN that I was the victim and never the perpetrator. Despite his words to the contrary, his actions were not my fault. You need, you MUST have that talk with yourself. You may actually be really annoying or touch all the buttons, but the minute his (or her!) anger or irritation becomes emotional and/or physical abuse, a decision has been made. My hubby now literally will leave the house when we are discussing…okay, arguing, and it gets to the point where he can’t stand being in the same room with me. I hate that. And I love that. 

Part of the healing for me is to remember and then put it out there so that it’s not just festering in my brain. This is part of my journey, like it or not. I wish I had not had to travel it so long, but it’s my past. I am grateful to have found my soft landing who helps protect me from the sharp corners of life, especially as I continue to be abused by a dead man because his family members still cause me harm in ways unimaginable. I’m currently reassessing and rewriting who I am because I am not who I thought I would be at this ripe old age. Much like her being chosen as homecoming queen caused our daughter to wonder if she might just be liked by others, I look at the wonderful friends I have who continue to support me and give me positive feedback, recognizing how blessed I really am to have them. Maybe I’m not so bad after all, right?

Let me end with these words:  It is my job to like myself and to find myself worthy of the fight every single day. While others certainly do affect how I feel, I cannot let them affect how I view myself as a person. I cannot give them that power. Those who support my being able to see the best in myself are the best kind of people to surround me.

I am still a Daughter of God. Always have been and always will be. And if you are a woman, so are you. And the guys, you are Sons of God. Be patient with yourselves. Do not be afraid to speak out about what has happened to you (and please don’t make it up – I really hate that). Be honest. Completely honest. The only way awful things can be overcome is by taking them out of the darkness and exposing them to the light.

You have read this far – I love you for that.

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