Saturday, November 7, 2015

Boy, do I have a house for you!

This week in my studies, I came across a quote by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, who was always a favorite. He said:  “Faith also includes trust in God’s timing, for He has said, ‘All things must come to pass in their time.’ Ironically, some who acknowledge God are tried by His timing, globally and personally!” Elder Maxwell also stated, “Faith in the timing of God [is] to be able to say Thy timing be done, even when we do not fully understand it.”

What a great lesson. I have a perfect example in my own life. Having not yet received an answer, I am striving to remain patient and not plague the Lord with repeated demands (requests?) to help us with this problem soon, please! We are a nomadic family, largely because we have never owned a home together (which is another story altogether!) We have had two moves in the last three years that have been handled in a somewhat panicky fashion because the landlords had lost their homes (one without warning). When we moved to our current home, we signed a two-year lease. Believe it or not, that lease ends in just two months. Once again we are scouring Craigslist for available rentals that are appropriate for us. We have only looked at two or three. Two of them we loved, but so did everyone else, and they were rented before we could put in an application. There was another that was just a little too far away with a home that we all would have disliked living in.

Going back to when we found this home, it had been available for rent most of the time we had been looking, but we just simply didn’t want to look into this area of town. We finally signed our lease on the day before our lease in our other home expired. We have been fine living here. Interestingly enough, while in the ward we now attend, I was asked to serve as a counselor in the Primary presidency. I had never expected a leadership role of any kind in my life, so this was a surprise to me. And guess what? It has been the best calling I have ever had! I love it and the people I work with. The president of the Primary is the best person under whom I could have trained to do this, and I discovered that I indeed have the ability. She is literally the age of some of my children. I guess I had to wait for her to grow up so she could teach me :D

I have been learning a great deal about how to pray. My goal had been to pray regularly at least twice a day and to have prayers of substance. Now, instead of praying, “Please help us find a house soon,” I have been praying, “Please help us, as we do the work to find an available home, to be patient in our search.” We may end up signing a new lease the day before this one expires. And it will all turn out. We need to focus on the Lord’s timing, trusting in Him, believing He knows our best interests far better than we do.

Another thing we discussed this week was the counterfeit “teachings” of Satan, who wants us to know:

                It’s not fair!
                No one will rent us a house!
                Other people are better than we are!
                We are lesser-than!
                We deserve to be in this predicament again!

Everyone knows that his sole job is to mislead us, using whatever methods work with us as individuals. My prayer is that we can crowd out the “teachings” of Satan by reading and studying the teachings of Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ. The Lord wants us to know:

                Life isn’t supposed to be fair. It is supposed to refine you as My child!
                You will find the homeowner who trusts you and likes you and will be the best landlord!
                All people are My children! None is better than any other!
                You are important to Me!
                I am here to teach you and guide you, if you but ask!

I like those words far better. I know that Satan is the father of lies; Heavenly Father, on the other hand, is MY father and YOUR father. He loves us and wants us to know Him and follow Him. He is waiting patiently for us, and we should do the same.

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