Saturday, February 8, 2014

February on My Mind

So it's February, my least favorite month of the year.  Except this year :) I remarked last night that there are only three weeks left in the month, and I realized that this month isn't as painful as most Februarys have been for me.  Why, you ask?

We finally found a house to rent the day before our lease was to expire.  We signed a two-year lease and moved things in within just a couple of days.  The timing was great.  I happened to have a whole week with no court time, so we moved then. We did have to change our ward/stake, and that hasn't been without a bit of heartache and loss in some ways, but we really love our house and our new landlord, and we feel at peace in our new place.

From my perspective, my life has become more peaceful. I am more contented.  But my loved ones are suffering (unrelated reasons), and it hurts my heart to see it. most of what is happening is contrary to how I believe children of our Heavenly Father should treat one another, and yet there is nothing I can do to change that.

My husband, who is not only the love of my Eternal Life but is one of the wisest people I know, wrote a couple of blogs in the past few days.  I will link just one because the other is too private:

This was something he discussed with me last night, and I begged him to put it down in writing because my heart knew it was true.  It echoed many of my own understandings, despite the belief of many people who claim the same faith as mine.

The other blog post, which I said is more personal to him, tears my heart because it is so true.  And people have no idea.  In fact, even when each of us goes through personal heartache, I'll bet we don't step back and put our view of the lives and decisions of others into that same perspective.  Try it.  You will be amazed.  Really.

Our two kids are each stumbling along, but, man, they are great people. I admire their courage and their compassion.  Our son doesn't realize what an example he is.  Our daughter doesn't realize how much the world would be improved if there were about a billion more of her. And it has nothing to do with my/our parenting skills.  We will readily admit that we are very bad at this parenting thing, but it is a joy to see something good coming from our inept efforts.

My hope and prayer is that my loved ones will find the balm to their souls and that we can see with our own eyes just how blessed and how NOT alone we are! <3

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